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very very....

 very very....
Categories: Love words


The worst predicament we fall into is to be possessed by anything very..very much. Even joy, when it overtakes us very shakes us with what resembles sadness..we are We are too afraid for this joy... and we are too eager for it to last... and we are too afraid for it to end... we rejoice with sadness... we rejoice with fear... we rejoice with tears streaming in our eyes... if we are very happy... very... painful joy... A trembling joy...a crying joy...and love is a bitter, jealous, fiery, blind love that exasperates its owner to the point that it turns into hatred and enmity...a very...very loving person hates his beloved out of his excessive love for her...because his love costs him and exhausts him. It excites him and disturbs him. He wishes that she had suffered, suffered, stayed up late and was homeless like him. He wishes that she had been on the brink of death and called him. If she was burning and extended her hands to him to save her. If she had worshiped him out of love while he forbade her. If she had been faithful to him. And he betrays her... His torment makes his imagination ripple with images of enmity... and revenge... and recovery... The love is very... very... a love whose taste is salty, spicy and stinging... It contains aversion and hatred as much as it contains love. It is a curse... and being very... very wealthy... is extreme poverty at the same time... poverty of the senses... the senses of the very... very... wealthy... the very... full... the sated... the overheated... the senses of the very... the very... the very opulent... the full... the satiated... the overheated... become dull... and lazy. His longings are lazy... and his longings are lazy... and why does he long... and why does he yearn... and everything is in his hands... and extreme hunger kills even the feeling of hunger... and ends with the death of the senses... and the ugliness of annihilation and the contentment of being lifeless... and extreme poverty... leads to recklessness Extravagance and underestimation of livelihood are due to excessive scarcity.. As the proverb says, they hit the blind man in the eye.. he said, loss.. loss.. and on what, spend what is in the pocket and what is in the unseen will come to you.. and very old age leads to the dissolution of the mind.. and thinking back to Childhood's naivety... and its delirium... and very weakness... lead to the tyranny and cruelty of the personality... and those with disabilities are titans... and the very short... are circus acrobats... and the lowly in origin are ambitious and seek glory... and the children of notables are idle... and extreme recklessness leads to repentance. And monasticism... and drowning in pleasure leads to aversion to pleasure. Returning to religion and fasting... and being upright with extreme severity leads to distress due to being upright. Everything that exceeds its limit turns into its opposite.. and very.. very.. is the bell that rings for qualities to be turned on their head.. blessings become curses. And bad deeds become good deeds... And happiness does not lie in having very much... but rather happiness lies in loving the world and people... and having the opportunity to take a small share of its bounties... The little that you love makes you happy more than the much that you do not love. A little stimulates the appetite... while a lot kills it... and without appetite there is no happiness... and a little stimulates work... and in work, a person forgets himself and his search for happiness, and this is in fact the ultimate happiness. Work is a necessary lubrication for the mind, heart, and joints. Without work, the joints rust, the heart rots, the mind extinguishes, and the mite of emptiness and unemployment gnaws at the brain. Thus begins a series of pains that members of the upper class know about, and doctors of the upper class know about. Therefore, I believe that the happiest classes are the middle class. .. Because it is the class that has a little of everything, it is not destitute and bankrupt like the lower class, nor is it glutted like the upper class. That is why it is the class that has the motives, hopes, ambitions, ideals, morals, and capabilities... ambitions and it is for this. The class from which scholars, artists, geniuses, leaders, and prophets emerge... and one of the virtues of moderation is that it compresses the classes and dissolves them into a fertile, average dough... and keeps all hands busy with work... The million pounds insulted him... and the one who says to me... may God bless you with a million pounds... is like someone saying For me... God bless you with a disaster... and let's think together... If I had put the million pounds in a bank, I would have committed a crime by freezing this financial potential in a balance in my name. If I had spent it on myself, I would have committed a more horrific crime, because spending a million pounds on myself means that I stop all productive work... and turn into a consumer who only spends... and this means complete paralysis of my productive powers... If I benefited from a million pounds as commercial capital, it would mean exploiting a thousand workers... and millions of poor consumers... trading with them... trading against them... and extorting their money just because they only have the prices of my goods... while I own all the raw materials they need... the million A pound in one hand is in fact an endless possibility of injustice for thousands of hands that do not have it...and a real possibility of injustice for its owner because it places him on the list of those who have very, very much...and they lose from their souls as much as they gain from their assets...and for this reason I feel happy... Because I am an average man. My income is average. My health is average. My livelihood is average. I have a little of everything. This means that I have a lot of motives. And motives are life. They are the golden balance of all paper gains. They are frozen in a safe. Every human being. It is the frozen substance from which we extract every day the desires with which we live... and we return and dismantle these desires into material obstacles... and opportunities that we gain and lose... and these obstacles are the paper currency... but the real balance is the motivations. The motives in our hearts are the true heat of our lives.. They are the balance by which our happiness is evaluated.. Do not ask me.. Do you have health.. Do you have wealth.. Do you have a certificate.. Do you have opportunity.. Do you have property.. Ask me one question. Do you have motives? This is me.. and this is my truth through which you know my present, my future, my destiny, my value, and my weight.. Each of us is weighed according to his motives, his will, his determination, his insistence, and his motivational powers. He who has an abundance of motives is like a powerful machine. One hundred horsepower... or a six-cylinder car, or a ten-bulb radio, or an electrical current of 200 volts. As for the one who lacks motivation...and has many means of luxury and abundant health and lifespan, even if he is a millionaire, he is nothing more than a weak machine with a driving force of 2 horsepower, or a small 2-cylinder car, or a transistor radio, or a battery current of one and a half volts. Motives are the literal translation of the word soul. You have motives. It means you have a soul. It means you have hope... ambition... appetite... love... passion... desire... all the means of happiness... I pray to God for the reader of these lines to grant him life. Average... and he gives him a little of everything... and it is a good invitation, and God Almighty... a sincere invitation... sincere to the face of goodness and love... I pray to God to protect him from the evil of a million pounds... and to protect him from ownership of high-rise buildings... and large estates... and my mother did not She did not understand philosophy.. but she had a pure instinct with which she could understand all this talk without reading it.. and she used to give it a simple, eloquent and expressive name.. which is.. cover.. and cover means in the popular dictionary.. a little of everything and a lot of the soul. After thirty years of philosophizing and reading dictionaries, references, and terminology, I have not found anything more eloquent than this simple word, cover. Therefore, I am asking for it for you as my mother used to ask for it for me. And I consider that with this I have asked for everything for you. Note: I am sure that you After reading these words, you will purse your lips and say... What does this mean... What is the meaning of this speech... And yet, at the first opportunity you encounter an 81 Cadillac on the street, you will scream eagerly, with your eyes almost popping out of your head... Oh, if only one had a car like this. This is... Peace be upon you, children... Peace be upon the Cadillac, the building, and a million pounds... Oh my sisters... And it burns more than the heartburn of my singers these days. You will discover that my normal, intelligible words were not understood... and that you did not understand yourself at all. And the story of understanding.. is a long and tiring story.. very.. very.. From the book On Love and Life by the writer Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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